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Pastoral Care

The Pastoral Care department supports students in social, emotional and academic growth. Pastoral Care acts as a resource to help students process, acquire and apply the knowledge and skills to establish and maintain healthy relationships, work toward and achieve their goals, manage their emotions, develop healthy identities and make responsible decisions. They work as encouragers and advocates for students as they grow, learn and transition. The Pastoral Care Counselor also work in collaboration with parents, teachers, administrators, learning support, and other staff to provide holistic support for students. Pastoral Care can give suggestions and referral information to outside sources for additional counseling and support. 

OIS has adopted the Collaborative for Academic, Social, and Emotional Learning (CASEL) standards for evidence-based social and emotional learning. Social and emotional learning (SEL) teaches students to manage emotions, set goals, show empathy, maintain positive relationships, and make responsible decisions. Because social and emotional skills are critical to being a good student and citizen, OIS makes SEL an integral part of education from kindergarten through high school.  

Mrs. Bethany Singh, Pastoral Care Counselor

Social Emotional Learning

OIS has adopted the Collaborative for Academic, Social, and Emotional Learning (CASEL) standards for evidence-based social and emotional learning. Social and emotional learning (SEL) teaches students to manage emotions, set goals, show empathy, maintain positive relationships, and make responsible decisions. Because social and emotional skills are critical to being a good student and citizen, OIS makes SEL an integral part of education from kindergarten through high school.  

Social Emotional Coaching

We have full-time, well-qualified Pastoral Care Coordinators who work with the students in age-appropriate ways to provide social and emotional support and coordinate with teachers and principals when necessary. When a child may benefit from counseling, they will contact the parent and consult with the principal.

Secondary Hubs

Hubs are grade-level small groups which meet during a 40-minute Enrichment Period at the end of the school day.  The purpose of Hub is to proactively support each student’s social-emotional wellbeing through peer-to-peer and student-to-teacher relationship building. Because it is a space where open and meaningful discussions can take place, the goal is for each student to have at least one trusted friend and one trusted adult they feel comfortable talking to. 
Topics covered in Hub include developing decision-making skills & integrity, owning your own choices, seeking advice, building relationship skills, self-awareness and self-management,  valuing creativity and learning, dealing with stress, and finding purpose.

Elementary Eagles Nest

Eagles Nest is the first and last 20 minutes of each school day. It is an intentional time for students to grow in character, social and emotional wellness and reflection. During these times, students engage in character lessons from PurposeFULL People, social and emotional activities and relationship-building exercises. Teachers may discuss such topics as conflict resolution, positive communication skills, reflection, emotions, self-awareness, responsible decision-making, and respect and empathy for others. This is a time to build unity and communal understanding within the class.

Cross-Culture Kids and Transition

The OIS community includes a multitude of cultures, languages, religions, values, and friendships; this environment fosters a multicultural spirit of acceptance. Cross-culture kids (CCKs) are global nomads who are raised in a culture other than their passport country (or countries) during a significant part of their developmental years. The Pastoral Care program is dedicated to helping students navigate the pros and cons of being a CCK and understand the impact of this in their life.

Transitions are part of cross-cultural life. Pastoral Care is intentional in welcoming new students, helping departing students say goodbye well, and walking alongside the students that stay to help them understand their role in transition as well. teaching students to “transition well,” and guiding them in social-emotional learning. While transitions are never easy, they are quite common in international communities. OIS teaches students how to make transitions as smooth as possible.

The graduating class of 2022 created the Legacy Tree mural during Eagle Week! It was painted to create a place for students and faculty who are saying good-bye to leave their mark and know they will always be remembered.